Broken Wings

I was once flying high. I was proud.
One day I experienced hurt and pain.
My wings hurt. Unable to fly.
You find me. You take me in your arms.
Please take these broken wings and teach me to fly.
Heal these wings.
Set me free.
Take these wings and teach me how to fly.

Hope and Lightning

Hope and Lightning
From Final Fantasy XIII

Roy and Ed

Roy and Ed
You got to admit, its a pretty pro picture

Lonely Heart

A lonely heart. A lonely soul.
Finds her so called 'Friends'.
She believes in them. Trusts them.
"Is there such thing as true friends?" she asks
They say its a lie. It's all fake.
Can she believe in these friends?
Can she trust them?
To her there is no such thing. Now or ever.
She, once again lives as a lonely soul with an empty heart

Friday, February 11, 2011


it was kinda hilarious and freaky coz during science there was basically a giant spider right above my head. The funny thing was that Bec and I kept looking at it once it a while to make sure that it didn't loose its grip and fall on the table and then one of us accidently kill it. The teacher kept staring at us coz we didnt focus.
the scary thing was that...THERE WAS A GIANT SPIDER RIGHT ABOVE MY HEAD!! what if it fell and landed on my head...but then spiders arent that freaky...

at lunch Deb, chloe, jen and i started doodling in my sketch book with  random ideas....

this post was kinda rushed so things might not make sense