Broken Wings

I was once flying high. I was proud.
One day I experienced hurt and pain.
My wings hurt. Unable to fly.
You find me. You take me in your arms.
Please take these broken wings and teach me to fly.
Heal these wings.
Set me free.
Take these wings and teach me how to fly.

Hope and Lightning

Hope and Lightning
From Final Fantasy XIII

Roy and Ed

Roy and Ed
You got to admit, its a pretty pro picture

Lonely Heart

A lonely heart. A lonely soul.
Finds her so called 'Friends'.
She believes in them. Trusts them.
"Is there such thing as true friends?" she asks
They say its a lie. It's all fake.
Can she believe in these friends?
Can she trust them?
To her there is no such thing. Now or ever.
She, once again lives as a lonely soul with an empty heart

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I somehow got sick during school yesterday...therefore i stayed home today...
slept til noon...
T^T i have to go to school tmoro~ kill me~

had to go shopping with my mum around 5, when i started getting better...bought my bro's formal shoes and still wonders why he didnt get them himself~ and then listen to my mum's complaining for 20 WHOLE minutes.....


at school i got realli bored at did this doodle on photoshop...i think its quite good for something with no experience and that drawing tablet thing...I USED A MOUSE ONLY~

This is just something i did in the period of time i didnt go on this blogger thingy...

Shirou is my OC, i drew this on paper first, scanned it and then photo shopped it....

On my deviant acc, this OC originally has cat ears and tail but lately i havent drawn the ears and tail ....just sayin if it makes no sense


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friends House

Today, i was invited to a friends  house to randomly play around. She had a small, fluffy dog which was called Rex (sounds a little scary) and a MASSIVE, HUGE dog called Cookie...funny rite?

We were watching Ocean 11 lying down and then Rex just comes over and sleeps on my butt O_O. I missed a lot of it coz i suddenly fell asleep~
Funny thing was that my friend's dad didnt know what 'WTF' was and then when one of the dogs puked...his reply was "WTF!!!"

when i left i had to go to Coles to help my mum buy some stuff....the person that served me was a CLASSMATE...O_O

okay~ JAaa

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Whoa dudes, its been ages since my last post~ ehehe
i kinda forgot about this because of studies etc...and yet i am still failing T^T
lately i've been realli into Air Gear ^W^

(i dont own the picture. its from DeviantArt)

and i've been obsessed with the opening song
Chain by Back On

Hopefully ill start posting again


Friday, April 8, 2011


hoi hoi

long time no see...
Today was last day of school!! ...for term one...
I full on screwed this term...except for Jap....but basically i screwed all other subjects..
In all my VD classes I'm always messing around with photoshop and working on pictures that I'm not meant to be...basically in the previous post...
Here's another picture

it kinda looks like a poster....


Monday, March 28, 2011


ホイ ホイ!!!
Lately i've been getting sooo carried away with photoshop...ehe..
here is one example...I dun own the picture of Hatsune Miku

For Visual Design we are meant to start Magazine covers but I keep using photoshop and doing these random picture....usually has FMA in it...

It's actually lots of fun >^^<


Tuesday, March 22, 2011



今日。。。。Once again i shall continue in english since my jap is really bad...It was just soo sad today. My friend Shika and Shih Shih-chan were both away today. SHika-away for about a week coz family problems and SHih Shih-chan-was coughing like hell.
TT^TT and since SHika's been away for soo long and i'm her friend, everyone's like "WHy don't you know why she isn't here!!" " Why don't you know where she is!!"
Pressure, dude, pressure!!! like i know wverything that happens in her life!

Than without Jane in maths or science or geo me and SUmi are just like
"ehehe, Hi, what's up...ehehe...えっと....Hi...have I said that...ah yes i have...."



Saturday, March 19, 2011


こんにちは みんなーさん

今日....~ my jap is poor so im gonna continue in english...
Today my friends(deb, val)  invited me to a bowling night at Hornsby.  It's the first time i've been invited to bowling. It was more fun than i expected it to be. うれし。。。ほんとうれし。


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Man tao~

Hoi Hoi

My bro got a hair cut today so he could focus in study coz his previous fringe was quite long...When he got home my first reaction was...
"Hey dude, don't you think ur new hair cut reminds u of a man tao (those chinese bun like things)? I mean you have those small spiky bits...right there"
And for once he didn't get pissed at me O_O.

Wahh...speech on friday! kinda scary!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shika's place


Today i went to Shika's do work but apparently we didn't do any.
Kinda akward coz just when i was about o press the doorbell, her mum and she were having a loud and personal conversation...I was like.
" doorbell....or do I wait unil the to do..."
I ended up standing there for 10 minutes...=^=''
While Shika went to talk to a friend on Gmail (Wonkiee) i went to play with her dog....He kept licking me ....and my pants got wet-not a lot thou.
Spent the last few hours looking at Pokemon picture...examples...

Saturday, March 12, 2011



I really need to change my habits...
I have been given some assignments to do within two weeks but being me i do them in the last or second last day!! NOW IM HAVING PROBLEMS!!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


ホイ ホイ

I have nothing to say so i'm just gonna say something that happened on wednesday? Along those lines...well 23 students of University Shukutoku, Japan came and visited our school as part of their trip to Sydney. They presented a 'Paper Threatre' thing to us. The story was Momotaro, I still like the 'Prince of Tennis' version though. Those people were cool. Too Bad I'll never see them again...

Another thing is, well by the heading 'Taro Ranger,' you probably didn't get it since it had nothing to do with the first thing but during Visual Design I always talk to my friends. It this case シカ or バンデ一ジ猫 (Bandage Cat). Funny cause I'm ニンジャ猫  (ninja Cat). Well, we had a REALLY stupid conversation of which we decided to turn into a manga, of course no one else would see it besides us. Keke...with the main character/ hero called タロちゃん and...well we are still thinking of a name for her character but the story line goes as two girl, high school students. One is a hero and apparently one is an evil person that the main character fights but doesn't really realised who it is. A little like 'Kimi Ni Todoke' with the rumor thingy that was to do with Kurumizawa Ume.

Well that's all...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kimi Ni Todoke

I was given an anime to watch...the anime was Kimi Ni Todoke...

After I saw the first few episodes I could kind of refer it my school life at primary school and high school. In primary school, I was usually afraid of or hated. People either avioded me or insulted me...but then I met Marianne. She wasn't afraid...she didn't insult me and then her friends accepted me too....

Then in high school i met Deborah and Chloe...Just like Yano and Yoshida. They also accepted me. NOw there's Jane, Karin, Vicky, Selena, Annie, Jennifer, Jessi, Clara, Valerie...I'm actually feeling happy now....

ありがとう みなさん

Saturday, March 5, 2011


HOi HOi,

once again long time no see, not much happens at weekdays so yea. Today i promised my friend Kawa that i would go to City with her and Chou. The only reason my mum let me was because apparently my relationship with everyone is dropping and she's afraid ill be a loner...pfft.

Well, we went to Kino, that bookstore at the city and Kawa, Chou and I were full on staring at the manga/ Illustation stuff...sad thing was that the Hagane no stuff I wanted was either $24 or $57. That was so sad~~ i really wanted to buy it.
then,we watched a movie 'I am Number 4' which wasn't bad. Quite funny actually. 

then, went to Central. Wasted so much money on those Plushie machines. kawa and chou spent so much on the same machine but then they didnt get anything and then some stranger walks by and suddenly gets it. Kawa was soooo~ pissed off...I WON A MINI NEKO~~I WAS SOO PROUD!!

well, Jaa

Friday, February 25, 2011


HArlo!! Long time no see

At the end of lunch, a little after the bell went, my FRIEND Chloe stole my shoe and ran to like the other side of the where i was. My other friend Deb was going to steal my sock which was kinda funny coz she almost took it off... DOESN"T IT SMELL BAD?! ITS A SOCK!! but Chloe returned it eventually coz i wasn't moving without my shoe...

Also, I WAS LOCKED OUT OF MY OWN HOME!!! Luckily i had a laptop and my phone charger with me coz my phone was outta battery. I had to sit at the gate, turn on my laptop (which only had 15% battery left), plug my phone charger into the phone and laptop and then call. AND MY DAD"S REPLY WAS " Oh, you didn't call me and so i assumed you were alright about it."  I was like WHAT THE HELL!!! and so i had to sit outside for like half an hour watching anime on my laptop (which died on me TT_TT)

well, thats it...Jaa...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

game night

at first i only wanted to go to get away from home but then it actually started to get quite fun. There was this game where you have to link arms with a partner and one of you wack a ball. Kinda like soccer...TT_TT i got hit on the leg...
I got home, clothes wet, knees covered hin dust, dirt etc ( a little on my pants) and a bruise on my right leg....

It was kinda fun...^^


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


tsk tsk, i knew yesterday was a bad day to be sick...

in the morning i had to go all over the place to find a teacher...and in the end she gave me the wrong thing...luckily my roll call teacher gave me a spare note.

A funny thing is that third period was when we take photos but..BUT. the first and second periods were sport and we were doing AFL!! Victoria, Sumi and everyone in my team were pro...too good...but we ended up going back to school full on sweating and tired....

While we were taking the photos...
A bad thing bout going first is...well usually you wouldn't want to
a bad thing bout going last is...that everyone stares at you and tries to screw everything up by making you laugh...and guess what...thats exactly what happened. Selena and I did a bet of who would look the most hilarious...

well, jaa

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

sick, again

As you can probably tell, i got sick...on an important day. Coz i had to hand in a commerce thing and my jap teaher kinda goes agro.
the finny thing is, i kinda wished for it yesterday coz i was soo tired...
And deb if you read this. I'm sorry >< i was gonna go to school at lunch to return your scarf but my mum wouldn't let me...


Monday, February 14, 2011

swimming carnival

yo, long time no see

well, there was nothing to post so...yea waited until today~
As you can probably tell, it's about the swimming carnival and dude~ it was sooo boring...
fell asleep three times, yawned 24 times (i counted ^^ ) spent most of the time sitting there and listening to my i-pod which is now out of battery T_T...
My friend Deborah was like styling Chou's and Naomi's hair most of the time~ not much more to say ...


jaa ^^

Friday, February 11, 2011


it was kinda hilarious and freaky coz during science there was basically a giant spider right above my head. The funny thing was that Bec and I kept looking at it once it a while to make sure that it didn't loose its grip and fall on the table and then one of us accidently kill it. The teacher kept staring at us coz we didnt focus.
the scary thing was that...THERE WAS A GIANT SPIDER RIGHT ABOVE MY HEAD!! what if it fell and landed on my head...but then spiders arent that freaky...

at lunch Deb, chloe, jen and i started doodling in my sketch book with  random ideas....

this post was kinda rushed so things might not make sense

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

school meeting

today for school we had to have a meeting at 6:30. It was kinda funny coz most of the people took there mum to the meeting and i like brought my dad....
i was sitting with Chou, MLeung and Val and we were like talking and kinda playing around as the meeting went on and wasnt that long though...
Lucky I kinda went early so my car was close by and when Deb saw it...IT WAS HILARIOUS!!
She started chasing after the car until the end of the road where she probably had to wait for her dad...Funny, how she actually caught up and how everyone was like staring at her

well, thats it

Monday, February 7, 2011

Neko Ed

well, not much to say reallly...spent the entire day drawing pictures of Ed from Fullmetal alchemist as a chimera ( half human and half cat).it was quite fun to draw ^^


Thursday, February 3, 2011

. . .

well, basically nothing to say today but...

Happy New Year!! and happy Birthday to Lena!!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

my bad~

well, long time no see...
i kinda forgot about this blogging thing until Deborah reminded me...hehe...

well, second day of school and it is mega hot~~at least i could cope... coz every time i return home. . .i see my bro walking around topless....and its kinda funny coz he got full on darker during the holidays...

Just a pic i did on the last couple days of 2010 to make up for it. . .

 Also I'm uploading this hilarious Naruto and Bleach chibi picture...I have more but im gonna just put one...if you wanna see the others just say so...

Btw: this picture i found in a chinese site: and i only found out bout this from a vid on youtube

its quite funny how Hinata is in the original naruto form and then Naruto is in the shippuden form...

well, thats it....JAa

Sunday, January 23, 2011


yo, not much happenning again so that is why this is soo late....

well, after eng coaching today, my mum decided for my tutor's family (Sharon) and my family to meet up at Palm beach...something along those lines.
While everyone went fishing, i was looking after everything and so something very akward happened...
*wearing bat-hoodie, listening to ipod, staring at the sky for some reason*
some dude: Hey, can i have your chips (they werent mine, they were a friends)
wu: No
some dude: can i have the coke? (again not mine)...wu: No
some dude: Can i have whatever is in this bag
Wu:*twitch* SHIT NO!! (thats my brothers and his ipod, wallet etc)
some dude:Why do you wear full black?
wu: *glare*
some dude: whats your name?
*death glare*
...some dude: yeah about that...i think ill leave now...
BTW the dude was a kid!!

That was like soo akward...but the fun thing was i got to slap my brother's face so he got up when we arrived home...^^


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FMA/ Lucky Star

SInce i'm addicted to Fma again, I started searching some stuff on Youtube...
Some of the FMA cross over stuff are hilarious!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Spent the day chilling at the x-box and eating watermelon. Afterwards, walking towards my room. I hit a brick wall. Itai!! Now i think theres a mini bump and a mini bruise...ah well ^^


Monday, January 10, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII

My bro and i purposely went to Para just to get FInal Fantasy XIII on Xbox. The game is soo pro. the graphics and stuff! We got it quite cheap too ^^ Sad that ours is Eng not Jap. The jap one sounds really cool but then eng isn't too not gonna sleep ^^
Lightning is such a pro! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Went to a beach but i hate beaches so while my bro and his friends Dennis, Thomas and David went to play i sat there playing with Dennis's Dog. It was soo funny! every time a kid went by, he barked, birds, he barked, other dogs, he barks. Bobby is just crazy, in a good way ^^
Kevin and his friends came back and guess what. He got stung by a blue bottle, twice. While he was playing in the water, one of them kinda went up his board shorts. Ouch! but if i survived so can he!! Be a man!
Kinda watched an outdoor wedding while we ate and Bobby kept growling at Kevin since he hates him.
Then went to a rocky beach. There were tonns of blue bottles there too! Thomas and i kept poping them! keke. It's actually quite fun. I'm just sad aren't I. Well, thats what they get for stinging me last year ><

I HATE SUMMER!! and i hate holidays...
well, Jaa

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tron Legacy

While im at Lena's house we were gonna watch Harry Potter with her friends...but unfortunately they couldnt come and since we didnt really like Harry Potter, we changed the movie to Tron Legacy. It was in 3D too!! bought Easy Way and McDonald stuff...

The movie was Pro as!! the graphics were good but still think Avatar is better ....


Monday, January 3, 2011

fish ^^

at lena's house atm watching a documentary on killer fish... dude that thing is like soo big!! and the shots they put in that documentary was quite scary...and its basically almost 12 here....
i never liked fish to begin with >3>


Sunday, January 2, 2011

thunder storms

well, i didnt have anything to say today until you can probably tell its like a mega thunderstorm here at the moment. the funny thing is i hate thunder but i like lightning...tsk
thunder just scares me...but
lightning is just soo cool ><


Saturday, January 1, 2011